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The Joy of Doing Absolutely Nothing

Summer is the perfect season to fully embrace relaxation. In Europe, numerous countries observe the tradition of taking the entire month of August off for leisure and rejuvenation. The Italians have a term for this: "Il Dolce Far Niente," which means "The Sweetness of Doing Nothing." It is important for humans to have time for unwinding. Animals, like dogs, are experts at napping and lounging around. Dogs, in particular, sleep for 12-14 hours a day, displaying undeniable contentment.

Life can be quite overwhelming with the never-ending list of tasks: work, bills, mail, emails, calls, groceries, cleaning, cooking, shopping, repairs, exercise, laundry, and more. It's a familiar scenario for all of us.

Choosing to be idle, as opposed to being lazy, can be a great solution - just "being" without engaging in any particular activity. Why do we constantly feel the urge to keep ourselves occupied? Is it possible for us to set aside our phones, computers, and other distractions, let go of guilt, and simply exist in the moment?

With a background of perpetual activity and excess, it is crucial for our bodies, minds, and spirits to disconnect from the busyness of life and fully appreciate the present moment. Engaging with nature can nourish us simply by immersing ourselves in it. Whether it's observing birds, a sunset, or waves crashing on the shore. The Dutch refer to this as Niksen, which is described as "the act of doing nothing to alleviate stress; purposeless inactivity, such as gazing into the trees solely for relaxation."

Being someone who is typically energetic and restless, I have recently decided to adopt the concept of Niksen by establishing a new routine for myself that involves dedicating time to simply doing nothing.

By incorporating Niksen into my daily life, I have discovered the beauty of embracing stillness and silence. This intentional act of doing nothing has allowed me to cultivate a sense of mindfulness and inner peace. It has provided me with the opportunity to tune into my thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without the pressure of constantly needing to be productive or engaged in tasks.

In a society that values productivity above all else, taking a moment to pause and simply be has become a radical act of self-care. It has allowed me to prioritize my mental well-being and establish a healthier relationship with work, rest, and play.

Ultimately, I have learned to appreciate the importance of slowing down and embracing moments of idleness. In a world that is always on the go, carving out time for stillness has become a precious gift that I give myself each day. Perhaps you may try it also?

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