There is an organization called Stand Up for Down Syndrome. I love that name. The word “Down" has negative connotations because it has these meanings: 1) from higher to lower 2) on or to the ground, floor, or bottom 3) to or in a sitting or lying position. The actual reason for the name is because Down syndrome was discovered by John Langdon Down, an English doctor in the year 1866. He was the first physician to document a detailed description of the condition.
People often consider a diagnosis of Down syndrome to be an unfortunate circumstance and react unfavorably. What they don’t understand is that many individuals with Down syndrome are perfectly happy, content with their lives, joyful even. Family and friends of those individuals are delighted by their company - usually- and relationships are pleasantly symbiotic.
Down syndrome aside, there are countless difficult home situations, health conditions, financial challenges and daily obstacles that are present for all of us. Simply look around at the world, your friends, family, coworkers and neighbors. Everyone has some obstacle(s) that they are facing. Do we stand up and face them with a good attitude or do we lay down and cry?
A number of years ago, I was working at a job that provided employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. One day, as a young healthy employee- I was feeling a bit sorry for myself- with actually no good reason. Just as I arrived at work, a transport vehicle pulled up. The mechanical gate lowered on the van and a gentlemen who was a paraplegic was lowered to the pavement in his wheelchair. He was smiling! That morning that lovely man had to be washed, dressed, fed and driven to work. And yet, he was surprisingly cheerful as he arrived. What the heck did I have to be cranky about?! It was a perspective changing wake-up call. I startled myself into a vivid realization - it is all about attitude!
There is no doubt that life likes to bang us around and often, knock us down. Do we stay down or stand up? Here are some simple ways to stand up and stay up.
1) It is not always easy, but if you SMILE, you actually feel better as well. Science has shown that the mere act of smiling can lift your mood, lower stress, boost your immune system and possibly even prolong your life. Imagine, just the act of smiling can light up someone else’s life as well as your own.
2) STAND UP STRAIGHT, shoulders back and you also feel stronger and more confident. According to Psychology Today: “When experimental participants took power or upright postures, they felt better and were more confident than when they took contractive or hunched body positions.”
3) BE A GIVER. Do something for someone else, even if it is something small. The Mental Health Foundation found that: “Evidence shows that helping others can also benefit our own mental health and wellbeing. For example, (giving someone your time and attention) can reduce stress as well as improve mood, self-esteem and happiness.”
4) LEARN something new- like painting, carpentry, chess, cooking or a language. It will give you a sense of purpose and can boost your happiness and self-confidence.
5) ENJOY NATURE. Get outside and absorb nature. Take a walk near water, trees, or mountains. Nature soothes the spirit and refreshes the soul.
6) ADJUST YOUR ATTITUDE. The Mayo Clinic studies show that: “Positive thinking helps with stress management and can even improve your health.” Practice overcoming cynical self-talk by quieting the negative inner voice that demeans you. Simply be kind to yourself. Focus on your own good qualities.
Changing how you behave will help you to change how you feel. In fact, scientists and therapists concur that changing your thoughts will actually physically alter your brain.
Maintain positive actions, and your happiness and confidence will increase – along with your achievements and opportunities. You will be standing strong and empowered in no time!